Can't override class method with monkey patching in Ruby on Rails -

so trying override class method reflect_on_association in activerecord::reflection. here's link original file:

the method defined on line 106.

these attempts far:


activerecord::reflection::classmethods.module_eval   # test method   def say_hello     puts 'hello'   end    # want override original method 1   def reflect_on_association(association)     puts 'overridden!'     # < implementation goes here >   end end 


module activerecord::reflection::classmethods   # test method   def say_hello     puts 'hello'   end    # want override original method 1   def reflect_on_association(association)     puts 'overridden!'     # < implementation goes here >   end end 

the say_hello methods works both cases (for example when call person.say_hello), still no luck reflect_on_association.

anyone has idea on how can this? thank much!

working in may case!

make sure passing parameter reflect_on_association.

1.9.3-p551 :514 > person.reflect_on_association(state) overridden! => nil  


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