android - LRU caching of images in gridview is not working -
ive read , watched every possible tutorial caching of image couldnt find solution this. using async tesk load images gridview cells.
1-inside gridview of adapter checking if bitmap found in cache before calling loading task.
2-in asynctask im saving loaded bitmap cache. cache empty bitmaps not saved. im posting adapter , asynctask. note: used exact tutorial of android developers in advance
public class fragmentcelladapter extends baseadapter { public fragmentcelladapter(context context,string json,int test){ mcontext=context; this.json = json; //something use in code s = test; try { this.jsonarray = new jsonarray(json); } catch (jsonexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } final int maxmemory = (int) (runtime.getruntime().maxmemory()/1024 ); // use 1/8th of available memory memory cache. final int cachesize = maxmemory / 8; log.e("maxmemory , cach ",""+maxmemory +" "+ cachesize); memorycache = new lrucache<string,bitmap>(cachesize){ @override protected int sizeof(string key, bitmap value) { log.e("size of returns "," " + bitmap.getbytecount()/1024); return bitmap.getbytecount(); } }; } @override public long getitemid(int position) { return 0; } @override public object getitem(int position) { log.e("calling item of grid adpter","at position " + position); return null; } @override public int getcount() { return jsonarray.length(); } @override public view getview(final int position, view convertview, viewgroup parent) { layoutinflater inflater = (layoutinflater) mcontext.getsystemservice(context.layout_inflater_service); view view; view = inflater.inflate(r.layout.listfragmentcell,null); cellim = (imageview) view.findviewbyid(; final bitmap bitmap1 = getbitmapfrommemcache(imgurl); if (bitmap1 == null){ new loadimage(cellim,b).execute(""+image); log.e("null bitmap calling task @ position ", + position+ " : " +""+image); } else { cellim.setimagebitmap(bitmap1);log.e("bitmap found in "," cache") ;} return view; } public void addbitmaptomemorycache(string key, bitmap bitmap) { if (getbitmapfrommemcache(key) == null) { log.e("adding image url",key); memorycache.put(key, bitmap); } } public bitmap getbitmapfrommemcache(string key) { if (memorycache.get(key) == null){log.e("null @ key",key);} return memorycache.get(key); } public class loadimage extends asynctask<string,void,bitmap>{ weakreference<imageview> imageviewreference; weakreference<progressbar> pbar; public loadimage (imageview im) { this.imageviewreference = new weakreference<imageview>(im); // this.pbar = new weakreference<progressbar>(bar); } @override protected bitmap doinbackground(string... params) { try { url url = new url(params[0]); httpurlconnection connection = (httpurlconnection) url.openconnection(); int responsecode = connection.getresponsecode(); log.e("code of res"," " + responsecode); if (responsecode == httpstatus.sc_ok){ inputstream in = connection.getinputstream(); bitmap = bitmapfactory.decodestream(in); matrix matrix = new matrix(); matrix.postscale(50,50); resizedbitmap = bitmap.createbitmap(bitmap,0,0,100,150); // adding bitmaps cache addbitmaptomemorycache(string.valueof(url),resizedbitmap);} else {log.e("response code ",responsecode + "");} } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } return resizedbitmap; } @override protected void onpostexecute(bitmap bitmapp) { super.onpostexecute(bitmapp); imageview imageview = imageviewreference.get(); progressbar bar = pbar.get(); if (imageview != null){ bar.setvisibility(view.gone); imageview.setimagebitmap(bitmapp);} }
the problem everytime getview() calls task because bitmaps in cache null. again
do not reinvent wheel. creating caching library not trivial task @ all. use developed library(picasso, glide) or @ least read sources.
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