c++ - What does that mean for "callfuncN_selector" in Cocos2dx? -

i want run first project in visual studio see appears have 2 errors, have no idea mean

void ccloud::start(){      this->stopallactions();      float currentx = this->getpositionx();     float distance = currentx - -(_xoffset);     float time = distance / _pixelspersec;     ccpoint destination = ccp(-_xoffset, this->getpositiony());      ccmoveto *actionmove = ccmoveto::create(time, destination);     cccallfuncn *actionmovedone = cccallfuncn::create(this, callfuncn_selector(ccloud::reacheddestionation));      this->runaction(ccsequence::create(actionmove, actionmovedone, null));  } 

and 2 errors are:

error 1 error c2440: 'type cast' : cannot convert 'void (__thiscall ccloud::* )(void)' 'cocos2d::sel_callfuncn'

c:\users\sergi_000\downloads\cocos2d-x-2.2.3\projects\myfirstapp\classes\ccloud.cpp 27 1 hellocpp

error 2 error c2665: 'cocos2d::cccallfuncn::create' : none of 2 overloads convert argument types

c:\users\sergi_000\downloads\cocos2d-x-2.2.3\projects\myfirstapp\classes\ccloud.cpp 27 1 hellocpp

i pleased if me, thanks!

a pointer member function not same pointer non-member function. pointer member function needs instance called on.

the usual solution library have callbacks allows 1 set kind of "user data", can set object instance. create callback wrapper function, static member function (which can used normal non-member function pointer), , in user data, cast correct class, , call function want call.

caveat: don't know if cocos2d-x supports user-data callbacks.
