sql - Description of the following code? -

i have situation programmer has developed stored procedure absent , doesn't work anymore, have make little bit of update code. should add 2 more variables in code , know place, don't know how put it.. please describe following code, in terms of sql? cause know code stand inside programm..

raise notice 'stat card: formid=%',formid;      drop table if exists tbl_aggregation;  --  execute      sql_ := 'create temporary table tbl_aggregation ' --select programstageinstanceid,'|| dynamic_columns ||' patientdatavalue'         ||'         select orgunitid             , max(dateperiod) dateperiod             , programstageinstanceid             , max("[de:202062.202063.575]"::integer) "[de:202062.202063.575]"                 , max(                 (case when position(''-'' in "[de:202062.202063.202095]")>0 substring("[de:202062.202063.202095]" 0 position(''-'' in "[de:202062.202063.202095]"))                  else "[de:202062.202063.202095]" end)                  ) "[de:202062.202063.202095]"              , sum("[de:202062.202063.202078]"::integer) "[de:202062.202063.202078]"              , max("[de:202062.202063.202076]") "[de:202062.202063.202076]"                    (             select psi.organisationunitid orgunitid             , ou.name orgname, pdv.timestamp dateperiod             , pdv.programstageinstanceid             , pdv.dataelementid             , pdv.value,'             || dynamic_columns ||'                       patientdatavalue pdv inner join programstageinstance psi              on pdv.programstageinstanceid = psi.programstageinstanceid          --   left join organisationunit ou              inner join tbl_org_list ou              on psi.organisationunitid = ou.organisationunitid               psi.completed=''t'' ,              psi.duedate >= '''||period_from ||''' ,              psi.duedate <= '''||period_to ||'''         )as aggregation_         '||ccondition||'         group programstageinstanceid, orgunitid          '; 

in code there hard-coded "variables" [de:202062.202063.575], , [de:202062.202063.202078] , etc.. have 2 more different [de:xxx,xxx,xx] should add here.

because whenever run storing procedure doesn't work , gives error new [de:xxx,xxx,xx] doesn't exist.. should make them exist in code, put them? have understand sql syntax , does, , unfortunately i'm noob in sql.
