javascript - Google map circle needed -

i facing problem add circle around cursor @ google map. please map working well.just need add circle around it.thanks in advanced. use gmap version.

<script>  var mapmarkers = [{  				address: " acworth, ga 30102, united states",  				html: "<strong> acworth, ga 30102</strong><br> acworth, ga 30102, united states",  				icon: {  					image: "img/pin.png",  					iconsize: [26, 46],  					iconanchor: [12, 46]  				},  				popup: true  			}];                                             			// map initial location  			var initlatitude = 34.114268;  			var initlongitude = -84.6315723;    			// map extended settings  			var mapsettings = {  				controls: {  					draggable: (($ ? false : true),  					pancontrol: true,  					zoomcontrol: true,  					maptypecontrol: true,  					scalecontrol: true,  					streetviewcontrol: true,  					overviewmapcontrol: true  				},  				scrollwheel: false,  				markers: mapmarkers,  				latitude: initlatitude,  				longitude: initlongitude,  				zoom: 10                                      			};                                                                                                                                                                                                                      var map = $("#googlemaps").gmap(mapsettings);    			// map center @  			var mapcenterat = function(options, e) {  				e.preventdefault();  				$("#googlemaps").gmap("centerat", options);  			}    		</script>

use this:

  var circle = new{     center: geolocation,     radius: position.coords.accuracy   }); 


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