What does "Arg = Exploded" mean in Swift crash log? -

this question has answer here:

i crash log crashlytics/fabric reads following:

function signature specialization <arg[0] = exploded, arg[1] = owned guaranteed> of myclass.viewwillappear (myclass)(swift.bool) -> () 

what exploded mean arg[0]? it's weird there 2 arguments because we're talking viewwillappear here - first argument object itself?

i got issue week ago, , thankfully managed fix remotely. believe parsing issue.

the issue because getting array of strings server, , 1 of argument empty, generating parsing error of arguments

["string1", "string2", "string3",]

should have been

["string1", "string2", "string3"]

in case : in viewwillappear , check parsing/serializing. bad object returned root cause of this
