java - How can I wait a page to load with selenium htmlunitDriver? -

i working on bot page similar after opening link, want wait 5 seconds page load before button click appears.

click link see mean:

i want execute htmlunitdriver. tried implicit wait , explicit wait, did not work. told me use fluentwait, don't know how implement it.

here actual code, can me understand how implement fluentwait?

public class bot {  public static webdriver driver; public static void main(string[] args) {      driver = htmlunitdriver();      driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlywait(10, timeunit.seconds);      driver.get("");      // here have use fluent wait, may explain me?      driver.findelement("skip_btn")).click(); // element have click when page load 5 seconds "skip ads button" } 


i method apply... grateful if :)

actually, fluentwait more suitable situation wait can range widely, let anytime between 1 10 seconds. example:

wait<webdriver> wait = new fluentwait<webdriver>(driver)         .withtimeout(10, timeunit.seconds)         .pollingevery(1, timeunit.seconds)         .ignoring(nosuchelementexception.class);  webelement el = wait.until(new function<webdriver, webelement>() {     public webelement apply(webdriver driver) {         return driver.findelement("skip_btn"));     } });; 

just sure, these import statements need:

import; import; import org.openqa.selenium.nosuchelementexception; import org.openqa.selenium.webdriver; import org.openqa.selenium.webelement; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.timeunit; 


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