mysql - Can't store a new row - SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails -

my clients table , users table child tables of businesses table. both clients , users table contain business_id column refers id column of businesses table:

public function up() {     schema::create('clients', function(blueprint $table)     {         $table->increments('id');         $table->integer('business_id')->unsigned();         $table->foreign('business_id')->references('id')->on('businesses');         $table->string('first_name');         $table->string('last_name');         etc… 

i able store new user, works fine, keep getting error when trying store new row clients table :

sqlstate[23000]: integrity constraint violation: 1452 cannot add or update child row: foreign key constraint fails (laravel.clients, constraint clients_business_id_foreign foreign key (business_id)

client.php model

/**  * attributes mass assignable.  *  * @var array  */ protected $fillable = ['business_id', 'first_name', 'last_name'];  /**  * business user works.  *   * @return \illuminate\database\eloquent\relations\belongsto  */ public function businesses() {     return $this->belongsto('app\business'); } 

business.php model

/**  * clients use business.  *   * @return \illuminate\database\eloquent\relations\hasmany  */  public function clients() {     return $this->hasmany('app\client','business_id'); } 


public function store(clientsrequest $request) {     var_dump(auth::user()->business_id);      $clientinfo = request::all();      client::create($clientinfo);      $client = new client;     $client->business_id = auth::user()->business_id;     $client->first_name = $clientinfo['first_name'];     $client->last_name = $clientinfo['last_name'];      //$client->save();     $business->clients()->save($client);      $last_inserted_id = $data->id;      return redirect('clients/'.$last_inserted_id.'/edit'); 

the thing i’m not sure way i’m retrieving business_id (from users table), via auth. when var_dump value, :

string(1) "7" 

i know id value 7 in businesses table, that’s i’m looking for, not sure if should converted integer.

and, not sure if have save using :





both following correct ways, first 1 more laravel later,

public function store(clientsrequest $request) {     $client = new client([         'first_name' => $request->get('first_name'),         'last_name'  => $request->get('last_name'),     ]);      $client = business::findorfail(auth::user()->business_id)               ->clients()               ->save($client);      return redirect('clients/'.$client->id.'/edit'); } 

p.s. above business_id automatically added client eloquent

other way did, inserting business_id manually.

public function store(clientsrequest $request) {     $clientinfo = request::all();      $client = client::create([     'business_id' => auth::user()->business_id;     'first_name' => $clientinfo['first_name'];     'last_name' => $clientinfo['last_name'];     ]);      return redirect('clients/'.$client->id.'/edit'); } 

you receiving error because of following statement in code,


above statement attempt create database entry without business_id foreign key , should supplied wasn't , hence error.

and don't have worry type-conversion between int<->string, php @ it.

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