osx - How should I sign a Mac app for push notifications? -

i'm trying develop small enterprise tool has push notifications. have notifications arriving via development certificate , development provisioning , certs, however, not in release mode.

the error

2015-07-14 15:34:32.507 app name[14254:2683449] application:didfailtoregisterforremotenotificationswitherror: error = error domain=nsosstatuserrordomain code=1 "the operation couldn’t completed. (osstatus error 1.)" (kcfhosterrorhostnotfound / kcfstreamerrorsockssubdomainversioncode / kcfstreamerrorsocks5badresponseaddr / kcfstreamerrordomainposix / evtnotenb / siinitsdtblerr / kusbpending / dsbuserror / kstatusiserror / kotserialswoverrunerr / cdevreserr / eperm: / error code version of socks server wishes use / / posix errno; interpret using <sys/errno.h> / event not enabled @ postevent / slot int dispatch table not initialized. / / bus error / / / couldn't needed resource; alert / operation not permitted)

should using developer id if want distribute .app file? or can use i'm trying , use mac distribution provisioning profile , mac app distribution certificate?

you attempt sign app using codesign

something codesign --sign "developer id application: mycompany (123)" /path/to/myapp.app
