lua - Wrong constructor is called when two classes of the same name are in different files -

i'm new lua. co-worker asked me work code while he's on leave. i'm having problem couldn't find answer (or couldn't query right).

i have 2 lua scripts classes imitating types in our c program.
file , b both contain identical class typea:

type1 = {   new = function(self,num)     local o = {       _data_num = {},       _data = {},       _size = {},     }     o._data_num = num     i=1, num       o._data[i] = type2:new()     end     o._size = o._data[1]:getsize()     setmetatable(o,self)     return o   end, <some other functions> 

also both files contain class type2 bearing same name different code. both of them marked required in file c.
script crashed when instantiating type1 in file c because constructor wrong type2 called in process (from b instead of a).

can please offer me workaround?
putting files in different folders doesn't work.


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