ribbon - Microservice arcitecture - netflix technology stack -

we starting new project. based on micro service architecture. considering netflix technology stack this. developing rest services using dropwizard. far good. after done reading getting confused. different use case of

  • hystrix
  • eureka
  • ribbon

i know question vague right now. add further details have doubts.

this article has quite though explanation of eureka , ribbon

netflix eureka - service discovery server netflix eureka allows microservices register @ runtime appear in system landscape.

netflix ribbon - dynamic routing , load balancer netflix ribbon can used service consumers lookup services @ runtime. ribbon uses information available in eureka locate appropriate service instances. if more 1 instance found, ribbon apply load balancing spread requests on available instances. ribbon not run separate service instead embedded component in each service consumer.

netflix hystrix - circuit breaker netflix hystrix provides circuit breaker capabilities service consumer. if service doesn’t respond (e.g. due timeout or communication error), hystrix can redirect call internal fallback method in service consumer. if service repeatedly fails respond, hystrix open circuit , fast fail (i.e. call internal fallback method without trying call service) on every subsequent call until service available again. determine wether service available again hystrix allow requests try out service if circuit open. hystrix executes embedded within service consumer.

