Why should I start using Google Material Design Lite instead of Twitter Bootstrap or Foundation -

disclaimer: don't want start fight against google fanboys. i'm asking because didn't find direct answer question , maybe started working (or googledev) can give advice.

google announced material design lite 1.0 , project has been starred on 9k times on github in few days. read posts [1, 2] comparing mdl vs twitter bootstrap , don't understand why outside google's headquarters should consider start working it.

as said:

“we challenged ourselves create visual language our users synthesizes classic principles of design innovation , possibility of technology , science.” – google material design introduction

so, why releasing mdl? don't see point on wasting time on learning/switching new frontend framework offers less existing ones. mdl looks different, modern , has nicer transitions. that's all? there technical advantage?

the answer is, depends on you.

do want material design @ all? if so, mdl worth looking at. if don't want md, of course mdl isn't cup of tea.

mdl not full framework. aren't trying cover every little thing in development. provide material design components closely can specification. need play around , see if has need , whether fits design goals.

the technical advantages... depends on wants. component handler cool way handle modularizing js out. isn't close option. there plenty of other ways out there. once again, should play around , see if it.

material design lite enticing building site or application targeted @ people in google-verse were. speaking android developers/users? chrome people? mdl enticing choice of libraries apply site make them feel @ home. however, else wants add material design stuff because see big benefit mdl.

at end of all, mdl tool people want md implement sites , applications. if need ask why should care, seems mdl isn't you. that's fine. there plenty of design choice out there chose from. consistent within each project build.


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