android - No resource found that matches the given name at icon/label -

i've issue generate signed apk.

i have these errors

error:(5, -1) android resource packaging: [...] /applications/mamp/htdocs/cordova/[...]/platforms/android/androidmanifest.xml:5: error: error: no resource found matches given name (at 'icon' value '@drawable/icon').  error:(5, -1) android resource packaging: [...] /applications/mamp/htdocs/cordova/[...]/platforms/android/androidmanifest.xml:5: error: error: no resource found matches given name (at 'label' value '@string/app_name').  error:(6, -1) android resource packaging: [...] /applications/mamp/htdocs/cordova/[...]/platforms/android/androidmanifest.xml:6: error: error: no resource found matches given name (at 'label' value '@string/activity_name'). 

my strings.xml contains:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <resources>     <string name="app_name">app</string>     <string name="launcher_name">@string/app_name</string>     <string name="activity_name">@string/launcher_name</string> </resources> 

and in androidmanifest.xml, line @drawable/icon is:

<application android:hardwareaccelerated="true" android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name" android:supportsrtl="true"> 

and can see, i've right file in right folder...

enter image description here

how can fix these errors?


now i've 2 error alert:

error: /applications/mamp/htdocs/cordova/abc/out/production/abc/abc.apk (no such file or directory) 


error: cannot run program "/users/john/library/android/sdk/tools/zipalign": error=13, permission denied 

remove "@string" string.xml , work fine.

android:label="@string/app_name" -> android:label="app_name"

@drawable/icon ref : mipmap drawables icons


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