lotus domino - Xpages mobile controls not visible on browser -

i extremely new mobile controls of xpages, according documentation, have changes setting in "xsp properties page" selected check-box "use mobile theme xpages prefix: _m". checked source tab , status is

xsp.ajax.renderwholetree=false xsp.error.page.default=true xsp.library.depends=com.ibm.xsp.extlib.library,com.ibm.xsp.extlibx.library xsp.persistence.mode=file xsp.resources.aggregate=true xsp.theme=oneuiv2.1 xsp.theme.mobile.pageprefix=m_ 

then have stated test xpages using mobile controls code test page is

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xp:view xmlns:xp="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/core"     xmlns:xe="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/coreex">     <xe:singlepageapp id="singlepageapp1"         selectedpagename="topiclist">         <xe:apppage id="apppage2" pagename="topiclist">             <xe:dataview id="dataview1">                 <xe:this.data>                     <xp:dominoview var="view1" viewname="topic"></xp:dominoview>                 </xe:this.data>                 <xe:this.summarycolumn>                     <xe:viewsummarycolumn columnname="subject"></xe:viewsummarycolumn>                 </xe:this.summarycolumn>                 <xe:this.extracolumns>                     <xe:viewextracolumn columnname="maincontent"></xe:viewextracolumn>                     <xe:viewextracolumn></xe:viewextracolumn>                 </xe:this.extracolumns>             </xe:dataview>             <xe:djxmheading id="djxmheading1" label="topics"></xe:djxmheading></xe:apppage>         <xe:apppage id="apppage1" pagename="topicdetails">             <xe:djxmheading id="djxmheading2" label="details"                 back="back" moveto="topiclist">             </xe:djxmheading></xe:apppage>     </xe:singlepageapp>               </xp:view> 

no errors shows in designer , when trying see result in safari browser or browser returns blank page. not getting missing,and why not able see page layout in browser.

any suggestion helpful me,

i see result as

mobilecontrol snap

edit 2:error caught in console

consol image

best guess haven't included "m_" prefix on name of xpage. did call xpage? should m_thexpage, xpages runtime sees m_ prefix , knows render page using mobile theme. if it's blank, suggests there no documents in view.

from comments below:

server version 8.5 , extension library 9.0 – ajit hogade

i'm afraid can't install 9.0 extlib on top of 8.5 server. 9.0 extlib dependent on features 9.0 xpages runtime. use 9.0 extlib, need upgrade domino server match. explains why mobile stuff isn't working you.

finally found error in browser console image have uploaded in new edit. agree comment version difference,but far, using found no problem extension library controls works fine in browser, issue had mobile controls. – ajit hogade 7 mins ago

you lucky not have experienced other problems. 9.0 extlib expects have dojo 1.8.1, part of 9.0 domino server. 8.5 domino server has older version, 8.5.3 = dojo 1.6.1, 8.5.2 = dojo 1.4.3. mobile controls heavily dependent on dojo, version mis-match undoubtedly root of problem, illustrated error found in browser console.
