Polymer, how to format a URL string w/ a variable -

i want binding url string this:

like not work. should do?

  <dom-module id="list-view">     <template id="app" testattr$="{{value}}" >        <iron-list id="list" items="{{data}}" as="item">          <template>              <a href="{{item.id}}" >                    <span>[[item.name]]</span>              </a>            </template>       </iron-list>    </template>          <script>          polymer({           is: 'list-view',              ready: function() {                     var _self = this;                              $.get('data/persons.json',function(data){                               _self.data =                               });                });             });         </script>  </dom-module> 

i use iron-list element repeat data list. object --> [{"id":"001","name":"adisak"},{"id":"002","name":"adisak2"},{"id":"003","name":"‌​adisak3"}] use iron-list binding data in list of element

you can compute url method, this:

<dom-module id="list-view">   <template id="app" testattr$="{{value}}" >      <iron-list id="list" items="{{data}}" as="item">        <template>          <a href="{{_computeurl(item.id)}}" >            <span>[[item.name]]</span>          </a>        </template>     </iron-list>  </template>  <script>    polymer({      is: 'list-view',      ready: function() {        var _self = this;        $.get('data/persons.json',function(data){          _self.data = data;        });      },      _computeurl: function(id) {        return '/myurl/' + id;      }    });  </script> 
