android - SQLiteDatabase rawQuery hangs -

i've created android intentservice downloads data remote server , stores in sqlitedatabase. when run service first time runs second time try run ends hanging , i'm not sure why.

c = db.rawquery("select * abc def = ? , ghi = 1", new string[]{integer.tostring(uid)}); 

it's line hangs i've feeling it's database being locked , it's wait unlock totally wrong. had been getting locking exceptions appear have gone. it's nothing query take while execute because executes instantly , i've waited 5 minutes on second run , still hanging

public class databasehelper extends sqliteopenhelper {  context context; private sqlitedatabase mdatabase;   public databasehelper(context context) {     super(context, db_name, null, 10);     this.context = context; }  public sqlitedatabase getdb() {     if ((mdatabase == null) || (!mdatabase.isopen())) {         mdatabase = this.getwritabledatabase();     }      return mdatabase; }

public class myapplication extends application {  public static databasehelper helper; public static sqlitedatabase database;   public myapplication() {     super(); }  @override public void oncreate(){     super.oncreate();     helper = new databasehelper(this);     database = helper.getwritabledatabase(); }  @override public void onterminate() {     super.onterminate();     if (database != null && database.isopen()) {         database.close();     } }  } 

all database access done using 1 database object in myapplication. insight query hanging appreciated.


the connection pool database '/data/data/abc/databases/def.sqlite' has been unable grant connection thread 1897 (intentservice[syncservice]) flags 0x1 270.01202 seconds. 
