c# - SQLCommand.Parameters.Add - How to give decimal value size? -

how specify this:


in this:

sqlcomm.parameters.add("@myvalue", sqldbtype.decimal, 0, "myvalue"); 

currently have defined precision = 2 design side properties. i'm curious how accomplish code.

there's not overload of add lets set decimal precision inline, either need create sqlparameter object , add collection:

sqlparameter param = new sqlparameter("@myvalue", sqldbtype.decimal); param.sourcecolumn = "myvalue"; param.precision = 18; param.scale = 2; sqlcomm.parameters.add(param); 

or "find" parameter after adding it:

sqlcomm.parameters.add("@myvalue", sqldbtype.decimal, 0, "myvalue"); sqlparameter param = sqlcomm.parameters["@myvalue"]; param.precision = 18; param.scale = 2; 


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