vbscript - How to open outlook using javaScript on client machine? -

i have java code open outlook in server . want opent outlook on client machine , fill body html content . possible using javascript , vbscript or other technology .

          public static void main(string[] args) { //  system.setproperty("java.library.path", "/path/to/library");      display display = display.getcurrent();     shell shell = new shell(display);     oleframe frame = new oleframe(shell, swt.none);     // should start outlook if not running yet     oleclientsite site = new oleclientsite(frame, swt.none, "ovctl.ovctl");     site.doverb(ole.oleiverb_inplaceactivate);     // outlook application     oleclientsite site2 = new oleclientsite(frame, swt.none,         "outlook.application");     oleautomation outlook = new oleautomation(site2);     //      oleautomation mail = invoke(outlook, "createitem", 0 /* mail item */)         .getautomation();     setproperty(mail, "to", "testto@gmail.com"); /*                            * empty                            * predefined                            */     setproperty(mail, "bcc", "testbcc@gmail.com"); /*                            * empty                            * predefined                            */     setproperty(mail, "cc", "testcc@gmail.com"); /*      * empty      * predefined      */     setproperty(mail, "bodyformat", 2 /* html */);     setproperty(mail, "subject", "top news you");     setproperty(mail, "htmlbody",         "<html>hello<p>, please find infos here.</html>");     file file = new file("d:/vicky.txt");     if (file.exists()) {       oleautomation attachments = getproperty(mail, "attachments");       invoke(attachments, "add", "d:/vicky.txt");     } else {       messagedialog           .openinformation(shell, "info",               "attachment file c:/temp/test.txt not found; send email attachment");     }     invoke(mail, "display" /* or "send" */);      } 

html - javascript: simple mailto in html a tag, see below simple markup.

<a href="mailto:name@gmail.com">click here mail</a>

once clicked, open outlook. (actually open default mail client)


sample code: open outlook , add attachment.

new processbuilder("c:\\program files\\microsoft office\\office14\\outlook.exe","/a","c:\\desktop\\stackoverflow.txt").start(); 

first argument = path outlook.

second argument = outlook attachment command.

third argument = attachment path.
