R collapsing columns and formatting -

this question has answer here:

suppose have data.frame looks this

1  5 9  12 34 38 10 40 

how collapse columns, place separator in between, , add instance character "a" beginning , "b" end get:

a1&5b a9&12b a34&38b a10&40b 

thank you,

use paste or sprintf. see ?paste, ?sprintf.

when "a list", mean each element of list string 2 numbers (e.g. x[[1]] = "1 5"), or mean have numeric matrix (e.g. x[1, ] = c(1, 5)) or .. ?

# e.g. if x dataframe x <- data.frame(a=c(1, 9, 34, 10), b=c(5, 12, 38, 40)) sprintf('a%i&%ib', x$a, x$b) # or paste0("a", x$a, "&", x$b, "b") # paste0 has no separator; paste has " " separator 

or supposing had many columns (not , b) , didn't want type them out manually, put '&' between each value in row, paste "a" on front , "b" on back.

paste0("a", apply(x, 1, paste, collapse='&'), "b") 

essentially goes along each row (e.g. row 1 c(1, 5)), collapse contents '&' in between (paste(c(1,5), collapse="&"), , paste , b on either side of result (paste0 shorthand paste(..., sep="")).


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