java - stopping threads that run indefinitely -

i have been trying implement producer consumer pattern. if both producer , consumer running indefinitely how should 1 try stop them?

i have been trying test status of isinterrupted() following code not guarantee threads stop.

public class monitor {      private int value;     private boolean readable = false;      public synchronized void setval(int value) {         while (readable) {             try {                 this.wait();             } catch (interruptedexception e) {                 break;             }         }          if (!thread.currentthread().isinterrupted()) {             this.readable = true;             this.value = value;             this.notifyall();         }     }      public synchronized int getval() {         while (!readable) {             try {                 this.wait();             } catch (interruptedexception e) {                 break;             }         }         if (!thread.currentthread().isinterrupted()) {             this.readable = false;             this.notifyall();         }         return this.value;     } } 

the producer class looks this:

import java.util.random;  public class producer implements runnable {      private monitor monitor;     private random r = new random();     private string name;      public producer(monitor m) {monitor = m;}      public void run() {         name = thread.currentthread().getname();         while (!thread.currentthread().isinterrupted()) {             int value = r.nextint(1000);             monitor.setval(value);             system.out.println("producer: " + name + " set " + value);         }         system.out.println("producer: " + name + " interrupted");     } } 

the consumer

public class consumer implements runnable {      private monitor monitor;     private string name;      public consumer(monitor m) {monitor = m;}      public void run() {         name = thread.currentthread().getname();         while (!thread.currentthread().isinterrupted()) {             int value = monitor.getval();             system.out.println("consumer: " + name + " got " + value);         }         system.out.println("consumer: " + name + " interrupted");     } } 

and main:

public class main {      public static void main(string[] args) {          final int n = 2;         monitor m = new monitor();          thread[] producers = new thread[n];         thread[] consumers = new thread[n];          (int = 0; < n; i++) {             producers[i] = new thread(new producer(m));             producers[i].start();             consumers[i] = new thread(new consumer(m));             consumers[i].start();         }  //        try { //            thread.sleep(1); //        } catch (interruptedexception e) {}          (int = 0; < n; i++) {             producers[i].interrupt();             consumers[i].interrupt();         }     } } 

i following results

producer: thread-0 set 917 consumer: thread-1 got 917 producer: thread-2 set 901 producer: thread-0 set 29 consumer: thread-3 interrupted consumer: thread-1 got 29 consumer: thread-1 interrupted producer: thread-2 set 825 ...program hangs 


producer: thread-0 set 663 consumer: thread-1 got 663 producer: thread-0 set 129 consumer: thread-1 got 129 producer: thread-2 set 93 producer: thread-2 interrupterd consumer: thread-3 interrupted producer: thread-0 set 189 producer: thread-0 interrupterd consumer: thread-1 got 129 ...program hangs 


there wrong. why not registering calls interrupt on consistent basis?

it perhaps surprising catching interruptedexception does not mean interrupted flag set on thread.

the interrupted flag , interruptedexception 2 separate ways of indicating interrupt has occurred:

  • you can throw interruptedexception without first checking whether thread has been interrupted.
  • you can set interrupted flag without catching interruptedexception.

in order correctly preserve fact thread interrupted (or, @ least, interruptedexception caught), should explicitly re-interrupt thread in catch block:

//  ... } catch (interruptedexception e) {   thread.currentthread().interrupt();   break; } // ... 

this sets interrupted flag, isinterrupted() check should work.


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