html - Get footer to go to bottom of display -

i got footer im wanting go bottom of display , stay there (not fixed position want change content in it). @ moment made sticky footer , moves content, im wanting positioned @ bottom of display there isnt weird floating gap huge space beneath it.


   <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" "">     <html xmlns="">             <head>             <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />             <title>home</title>             <!--===================================================css links===================================================!-->             <link href=',500,400,200' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>             <link href=',700,900,100,300' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>             <link href="css/default_style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />             <link href="css/contact_style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />         </head>            <body>             <!--===================================================header===================================================!-->             <div class="wrapper">                 <div class="headerwrap">                     <div class="social">                             <a href=""><img class="move" src="images/deviant.png"></a>                         <a href=""><img class="move" src="images/yt.png"/></a>                         <a href=""><img class="move" src="images/fb.png"/></a>                     </div>                     <!--close social!-->                     <div class="header">                         <div class="logo">                             <img src="images/logo.png" />                         </div>                         <!--close logo-->                     </div>                     <!--close header!-->                     <div class="menu">                         <ul class="menutxt">                             <li><a href="index.html">home</a>                             </li>                             <li><a href="portfolio.html">portfolio</a>                             </li>                             <li><a href="contact.html">contact</a>                             </li>                         </ul>                     </div>                     <!--close menu!-->                 </div>                 <!--close headerwrap!-->                 <!--===================================================contact===================================================!-->                 <div class="toptxt">                     <div id="test2">                         <p class="infotxt">get in touch...</p>                     </div>                 </div>                 <div class="detailwrap">                     <div class="contactspace"></div>                     <!--close contactspace!-->                     <div class="contact">                         <img class="move2" class="hover" src="images/me2.png">                         <p class="text">luke babich</p>                     </div>                     <!--close contact!-->                     <div class="contact">                         <img class="move2" class="hover" src="images/phone.png">                         <p class="text">+27 72 836 0954</p>                     </div>                     <!--close contact!-->                     <div class="contact">                         <img class="move2" class="hover" src="images/mail.png">                         <p class="text"></p>                     </div>                     <!--close contact!-->                     <div class="contactspace"></div>                     <!--close contactspace!-->                 </div>                 <!--close detailwrap!-->                 <!--===================================================footer===================================================!-->                 <div class="footerwrap2">                     <p class="foottxt">designed , developed luke babich- rights reserved ©2015</p>                 </div>                 <!--close footerwrap!-->             </div>             <!--close wrapper!-->         </body>     </html>  </i>  layout css: 

@charset "utf-8"; /*---------------------------- body , default ----------------------------*/ body {     margin:0 auto;     background:#171717;     font-family: 'roboto', sans-serif;     color:#ccc; }  a{     color:#000;     transition:300ms; } a:hover {     color:#000; } a:link {     text-decoration: none; } /*---------------------------- main wrapper ----------------------------*/ .wrapper{     position:relative;     width:100%;  } /*---------------------------- header ----------------------------*/ .header{     position:relative;     min-height:180px;     height: 100%;     padding-right:225px;     margin: 0;     display: -webkit-box;     display: -moz-box;     display: -ms-flexbox;     display: -webkit-flex;     display: flex;     align-items: center;     justify-content: center;     -moz-box-shadow: 0px 10px 20px 0px #333 ;     -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 10px 20px 0px #333 ;     box-shadow: 0px 10px 20px 0px #000;     z-index:200; } .logo{     position: absolute;     min-width:60px;      top:4%; } .logo img{     display: block;     margin-left: auto;     margin-right: auto;     width:100%; } .social{     position: absolute;     width:100%;     min-width:20px;      top:15px;     right:1%;     z-index:500;     } .social img{     float:right;     width:35px;     display: block;     padding:0 0 0px 15px; } img.move {     bottom:0px;     transition: transform 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.2, 1, 0.44, 1.2); } img.move:hover {     -webkit-transform: scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1);     transform: scale3d(1.4, 1.4, 1.4);     } /*---------------------------- menu ----------------------------*/ .menu{     position:absolute;     width:100%;     top:200px;     z-index:401; } ul {     margin: 0 auto;     padding:0 0 5px 0;     list-style-type: none; } li{     display: inline;     list-style:none;     padding:1%;     transition: 300ms; } li a{     color:#ccc;     transition:300ms; } li a:hover {     color:#900; } .menutxt{     text-align: center;     font-family: 'raleway', sans-serif;     font-size:1.8vw;     font-weight:400;     z-index:300; } /*---------------------------- footer text ----------------------------*/ .foottxt{     width:100%;     text-align: center;     background:#070707;     font-family: 'roboto', sans-serif;     padding:15px 0;     font-size:0.7em;     color:#ffffff;     font-weight:200;     margin: 0;     box-sizing: border-box; } 

content css:

@charset "utf-8"; /*---------------------------- content ----------------------------*/ .toptxt{     margin-top:130px;     width:100%; } /*.contactwrap{     width:100%;                 change if cant figure out     margin-top:60px; }*/  .detailwrap{     margin-top:100px;     width:100%;     text-align: center; /* center align .contacts */ } /* clearfix */ .detailwrap:after {     content: "";     display: table;     clear: both; } .infotxt{     text-align: center;     font-family: 'raleway', sans-serif;     font-size:2em;     font-weight:400; } .contact {     display: inline-block; /* make possible use text-align */     width: 15%;     min-width: 180px; /* avoid 15% being making contacts less 115px */     margin: 4% 1% 10% 0; } .contact img{     width: 90px;     display: block;     margin: 0 auto;     max-width: 100%; /*bring if needed*/     height: auto;  /*bring if needed*/ } .contact .text {     top:-15px;     text-align:center;     visibility:hidden; } .contact:hover .text {     animation: fadein 2s;     visibility:visible; } img.move2 {     bottom:0px;     transition: transform 1s cubic-bezier(0.2, 1, 0.44, 1.2); } img.move2:hover {     -moz-transform: translate(-2px, -2px);     -ms-transform: translate(-2px, -2px);     -o-transform: translate(-2px, -2px);     -webkit-transform: translate(-2px, -2px);     transform: translate(0px, -10px)     } /*---------------------------- footer ----------------------------*/ .footerwrap2{     position:relative;     width:100%;     z-index:501;     -moz-box-shadow: 0px -10px 20px 0px #000;     -webkit-box-shadow: 0px -10px 20px 0px #000;     box-shadow: 0px -10px 10px 0px #000; } /*---------------------------- textfader ----------------------------*/ #test2 p {     animation: fadein 5s;     -moz-animation: fadein 5s; /* firefox */     -webkit-animation: fadein 5s; /* safari , chrome */     -o-animation: fadein 5s; /* opera */     transition: opacity 5s; } @keyframes fadein {     {         opacity:0;     }     {         opacity:1;     } } @-moz-keyframes fadein { /* firefox */     {         opacity:0;     }     {         opacity:1;     } } @-webkit-keyframes fadein { /* safari , chrome */     {         opacity:0;     }     {         opacity:1;     } } @-o-keyframes fadein { /* opera */     {         opacity:0;     }     {         opacity: 1;     } } 

i wasnt sure code needed , had 2 style sheets may affect footer im wanting .footerwrap2 @ bottom of browser after device , browser size changes. in advance!

i copied code local page , added following lines:

for footerwrap2, changed position relative absolute, , positioned @ bottom of page.

position:absolute; bottom: 0; 

as you've found, wasn't enough. body, , wrapper div have no idea how tall content page is, therefore, determine size based on content.

i solved problem adding following style main wrapper (.wrapper)

height: 100vh; 

this uses latest css3 view height work on modern browsers. if must maintain compatibility older browsers, you'll need set height body, wrapper, , possibly html tags 100%.

i tested locally , works champ. if can't work, i'll move fiddle.

good luck!
