vb.net - XML Serializing objects that contain other objects (recursive serialization) -

i have class called port characteristics follows:

<serializable()> public class portcharacteristics      public portnum int16      public brate integer      public par string      public len string      public stopb string      public flow string      public sub new()      end sub      public sub new(byval valportnum int16, byval valbrate integer, byval valpar string, byval vallen string, byval valstopb string, byval valflow string)         portnum = valportnum         brate = valbrate         par = valpar         len = vallen         stopb = valstopb         flow = valflow     end sub  end class 

i have class, profile, contains port characteristics:

 <serializable()> public class profile      public profilename string      public chars portcharacteristics      public property portchar portcharacteristics                     return chars         end         set(value portcharacteristics)             chars = value         end set     end property      public sub new()      end sub      public sub new(byval profname string, byval portnum int16, byval baud integer, byval par string, byval length string, byval stopb string, byval flowcon string)          name = profname          portchar = new portcharacteristics(portnum, baud, par, length, stopb, flowcon)      end sub  end class 

i serialize profile class this:

if my.computer.filesystem.fileexists("profiles.xml")     my.computer.filesystem.deletefile("profiles.xml") end if  using fs new filestream("profiles.xml", filemode.openorcreate)     dim xml new xmlserializer(gettype(list(of profile)))     xml.serialize(fs, profilelist) end using 

is possible serialize objects within objects in xml in same file, or have use binary or other type of serialization?

first, there no recursion involved, "simply" have 1 object nested in another. second, profile class code wrong - references members not exist; none of listed on portcharstring exist on other class.

i cannot tell role profile plays. shown, wrapper adds name portcharacteristics item. added other class. if profile meant assign name , store several items, lacks sort of collection object. there other issues, suspect problem here:

dim xml new xmlserializer(gettype(list(of profile))) xml.serialize(fs, profilelist) 

we can't tell posted if profilelist type or object variable. works (i changed names):

dim plist new list(of portprofile)  plist.add(new portprofile("com9:", 9, 1200, "e", "7", "1", "x")) plist.add(new portprofile("com13:", 13, 300, "e", "8", "1", "x"))  using fs new filestream(portprofilename, filemode.openorcreate)     dim xml new xmlserializer(plist.gettype)     xml.serialize(fs, plist) end using 

make sure type used in xmlserializer constructor matches object variable being used, , work fine.


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