mysql - SQL - Unable to condition an alias due to Unknown column in where clause -

i got following query, when execute error - #1054 - unknown column 'adress' in 'where clause' wondering why? when remove clause appears column, no idea why throws error.

select zlec_status.nazwa                       status,         piorytet.nazwa                          priorytet,         concat(koord.imie, ' ', koord.nazwisko) `koordynator`,         concat(zlec_adresy.miasto, ' - ', zlec_adresy.ulica, ' ',         zlec_adresy.oddzial)                                                 `adress`,         zlec_z_dnia,zlec_id,        zlec_nr,         zlec_do,         zlec_ogran,         awizacje,         awizacja_na_dzien,         termin_zamkniecia,         tresc,         uwagi    zlec         inner join koord                 on zlec.koord =         inner join zlec_adresy                 on zlec.zlec_addres =         inner join piorytet                 on zlec.priorytet =         inner join zlec_status                 on zlec.status_zlecenia =  `adress` '%some%' 

you cannot use column alias defined in select in where clause select. have 2 choices. mysql extends use of having, can use that:

having `adress` '%some%' 

or, can use full expression:

concat(zlec_adresy.miasto, ' - ', zlec_adresy.ulica, ' ',         zlec_adresy.oddzial) '%some%' 

or, can use subquery, wouldn't recommend that.


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